Wine murder mystery expansion pack #2
This is expansion pack #2 for the Wine Tasting Murder Mystery Party, Fine Wine, Good Friends, and a Wicked Murder. This is an instant download expansion pack including 8 additional characters (characters #17-24): 4 female, 1 male, and 3 flex gender where gender is irrelevant - see the character list below. If you are playing an all-female game, you will not be able to use one of these characters.
Instructions: This pack contains all the materials for characters #17-24 to play the game (i.e., name tags, pre-game and rounds 1-3 cards). This document should be printed in addition to the original Wine Murder Mystery main game and expansion pack #1 (both purchased separately). Print an investigation sheet from the main game printable file for each player you play from this pack, as well as more wine-tasting score cards from the main game files. Like the main game printable file, you'll need Adobe Reader software to view and print this file (it's standard software and free at Adobe.com).
You can play the optional characters from the main game and expansion packs in any combination - not all of the optional players must be played before moving on to the next expansion pack.
Play expansion packs in order: It is optimal (not mandatory) to play the expansion packs in order of occurrence, as the characters are added to the character lists on both the free invitation and player pre-game site at Your Mystery Party. If you skip this pack and purchase expansion pack #3, you'll have the characters from this pack and expansion pack #1 on your lists on the invitation and pre-game site that come with expansion pack #3. Albeit, the players will forget about any characters they read about before the game that aren't being played once the game begins and excitement takes over.
Presenting order in round three: With this theme, players #1-24 read aloud in round three in front of the group. You'll receive a replacement round three card for a specific player in the previous pack to change the order of solution presentations in round three. If you skip expansion pack #1, you'll disregard the replacement card you will receive with this pack. However, you'll have not have received the replacement card for the main game player to change the order of reading in round three, as that is provided only in expansion pack #1. Therefore, if you skip expansion pack #1 - you'll need to prompt the player from the main game who has 'read first' on their card to wait until they are told to present their round three card. This isn't optimal, but also isn't that big of a deal.
Note: There are no refunds on downloadable items, including expansion packs. You can purchase this pack separately from the main game. Do not purchase this expansion pack unless you are certain you need it and have enough players. If you accidentally assign expansion pack #1 players but did not purchase the expansion pack #1, we will not give you the expansion pack for free - you'll need to purchase it if you need those materials. That is why we tell you to only use the host character lists from the packs you've purchased to assign your characters - do not use the pre-game site or the invitation.
Helpful Links:
Host character list (characters #17-24)
Free invitation for the 24 player game. If you did not purchase expansion pack #1 - do not assign the expansion pack #1 characters to your players. They will be listed on this invitation. Use the host character lists for the packs you've purchased to assign characters to your players.
Free Player pre-game site for the 24 player game. It is www.YourMysteryParty.com/goodfriends. Characters #1-24 will be listed on this site in a mixed order. Do not assign characters from expansion pack #1 if you skipped it.
Expansion pack #1 (purchased separately, should be played in order)
- Expansion pack #3 (purchased separately, should be played in order)
This game was revised on 1/15/25 and will not be seamless with prior versions.