This is the expansion pack for the kid's mystery game Misadventure in Topsy Turvy Land. There are 10 additional players for this game - all gender flexible and optional. These players may be played in any combination. There are also expandable team players - the Card Army and Duck Family that may be expanded into teams of 15+ players each. Therefore, you can expand the game to 50+ players.
The new pre-game site is: www.yourmysteryparty.com/topsyturvy
How to host a large party:
- 12 players from the main game (unique roles)
- 10 players from expansion pack #1 (purchased separately, all unique roles)
- 15+ players as members of the Card Army
- 15+ players as members of the Duck Family
Note: this game was updated on 2/21/18.
Click here for the invite and click here for the character list