The Greatest Murder | Expansion pack #2
Do not purchase this expansion pack without purchasing the main game license for The Greatest Murder on Earth and Expansion pack #1. This is an instant download expansion pack including 6 optional, gender flexible players (see the character list below) plus an expandable team of duplicated, non-suspect players.
This document should be printed in addition to the original murder mystery party game kit and expansion pack #1 - expansion packs are best played in order. At least assign most of the optional players from expansion pack #1 before adding these players. This is not a complete 'stand alone' game - it is an expansion pack.
If you fail to purchase expansion pack #1 in addition to this pack, we will not give you a refund or exchange for expansion pack #1. It will still be playable, but you'll have the expansion pack #1 players on your invitation, suspect list, and pre-game site.
Click here for the character list and click here for the free invitation including the expansion pack players.
Your new free guest pre-game site is: www.yourmysteryparty.com/thebigtop