Do not purchase this expansion kit without purchasing the instant download of the 'Assassination at the Annual Superhero Assembly' mystery party game and expansion pack #1. The expansion packs must be played in order of occurrence, as the characters are added to the list in order.
This is an instant download expansion pack including 8 additional unique characters for the 'Assassination at the Annual Superhero Assembly' mystery party game (all gender flexible players) see the character list below.
This document should be printed in addition to the original game kit and expansion pack #1. This is not a complete 'stand alone' game. Again, do not purchase this file unless you have already purchased the main game and expansion pack #1.
Click here for the invite and click here for the character list - note: both of these will include main game, expansion pack #1 (both purchased separately) and expansion pack #2 players.
Your new free pre-game site link is YourMysteryParty.com/justiceconfederation
Note: never allow your guests to choose their characters from the free invite or guest pregame site as there may be characters you haven't purchased - such as in expansion pack #1. You, as the host, are to choose the characters for your guests from the characters that you have purchased. We will not give free expansion packs to hosts who assign players from files that were not purchased. No exceptions.