Purchase expansion pack #1 first or in addition to this pack.
This is the download version including 8 optional characters for the 'Sin City Slayer: a Vegas Murder Mystery Party Game'(see the character list below). This document should be printed in addition to the original Sin City Slayer game kit and expansion pack #1 (both purchased separately).
The expansion packs should be played in order, as the characters are added to the list in order. You will have the main game, expansion pack #1, and expansion pack #2 players on your characters lists. If you fail to purchase expansion pack #1, do not assign these players to your guests - use the host character lists to assign players.
Hosting a Large Party:
- Main game has 18 unique players (Main game is purchased separately)
- Expansion pack #1 has 12 unique players (Expansion pack #1 is purchased separately)
- Expansion pack #2 has 8 unique players
- Up to 25+ tabloid crew members as an expandable team with Reagan Paratzy from expansion pack #1
- Up to 25+ Monster Muggies cast members as an expandable team with Logan Mack from expansion pack #2
Helpful links
Click here for the invite and click here for the character list
This pack was revised on 5/31/24 and will not be entirely seamless with previous versions.
Note: never allow your guests to choose their characters from the free invite or guest pregame site as there may be characters you haven't purchased - such as in expansion pack #1. You, as the host, are to choose the characters for your guests from the characters that you have purchased.