
Sanitarium Murder Mystery Party Game

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Creepy murder mystery party set in an old lunatic asylum for 7-10 guests, ages 15 and up for difficulty. A 5 player expansion pack is available. This is an excellent choice for a spooky Halloween murder mystery party! This is the boxed kit version of the game.

Select the party ready option above, and our staff will fold and slip the clue cards for rounds one, two, and three into the envelopes to prevent you from seeing spoilers on the round cards. If you do not select this option, you will have some assembly required with your kit.

7 out of 10 difficulty.

Helpful Links:

 Sample game materials

 Instant downloadable version - no shipping fees, no waiting for this version - download today. The download version does not come with the party pack, as you'll have all you need with the party pack to host the game. The download and boxed sets are not seamless, as well - they are two separate products.

 Pinterest Board for this theme - More DIY food and decor

 Game Trailer Video

Kit A: 10 unique roles

 Host character list for Kit A

 Free, 10 player printable invitation

 Corresponding pre-game site for Kit A

Kit B: 15 unique roles

 Host character list for Kit B

 Free, 15 player printable invitation

 Corresponding pre-game site for Kit B


Mystery Synopsis:

The maximum security unit of the Bloodstone Sanitarium is where defendants declared not guilty by reason of insanity are transported after their murder trial. These patients end up spending a majority of their time in isolation since they often threaten bodily harm to others.

Nonetheless, the hospital administrator of the Bloodstone Sanitarium has decided to host a Halloween party for this unit to prove to the city government there are no longer problems with this facility. In recent news stories, there have been reports of missing patients, injuries to medical staff, as well as an escapee who rampaged the town of Gothenburg.

The patients of the maximum security unit are thrilled about the celebration, but the staff members are dreading the event but do not have a choice but to attend if they wish to keep their jobs. This is where your story begins. 

Commercial Licensing:

If you wish to host this (or any other) game for profit &/or in public &/or as a benefit to your business or organization, you will need a commercial license - click here.

Minimum age:
15 years due to difficulty
Difficulty rating:
Challenging, 7/10
Gender of players:
Minimum # of players:
7 players
Kit sizes:
Kit A: 7-10 players, Kit B: 7-15 players.
Expandable teams?:
Date of publication:
April 2014. Last revised on 6/4/24.
Content Disclosure:
The synopsis and character list both disclose that this game does mention mental illness, insane asylums, and medications .