Pirate murder mystery expansion pack #2
This is an expansion pack including 8 (8 Female) additional characters for the downloadable version of 'Mutiny & Murder - Curse of the Parrot Island Treasures' Murder Mystery Party (see the character list below).
This PDF document should be printed in addition to the downloadable main game of Mutiny & Murder - Curse of the Parrot Island Treasures Mystery Party kit and the downloadable version of expansion pack #1.
You can use any combination of the optional players from the main game and expansion pack #1 in addition to this expansion pack. If you wish to skip expansion pack #1, you may do so, but it is optimal to use the expansion pack #1 players in addition to the expansion pack #2 players as the invitations and Your Mystery Party site are in order of occurrence. In other words, we have a site and invite for the main game players only, and then main game + expansion pack #1 and then main game + both expansion packs. Do not assign the expansion pack #1 players if you haven't purchased expansion pack #1.
For the Your Mystery Party guest invite site, Click here Note: there are expansion pack #1 and main game players listed on this site - but you must purchase those products separately.
For the character list, Click here
For the free invitation including the main game and expansion pack #1 players (both purchased separately), Click here
This pack was last revised on 1/16/24. Previous versions of the game will not be seamless.