Murder at the Skull Manor Costume Ball Expansion #2
This is the instant download version of expansion pack #2 including 12 additional suspects with one expandable character into a team of duplicated, non-suspect players. Using Adobe Reader, print this file in addition to the main game file (purchased separately) of Murder at Skull Manor.
Helpful Links
- Click here for the character list - expansion pack #2 has characters #25 to #36.
- Click here for the free invite - includes the main game, expansion pack #1 characters (both purchased separately) and expansion pack #2 characters (this purchase).
- Click here for the pre-game site - includes the main game, expansion pack #1 characters (both purchased separately) and expansion pack #2 characters (this purchase). The url at Your Mystery Party is now /skullmanormurder
ORDER OF EXPANSION PACKS: Expansion pack #1 should be played (or at least 'most' of the characters played) before adding this expansion pack #2. However, if you really only want these characters and wish to skip expansion pack #1, just know that you will have additional characters from expansion pack #1 listed on your free invite, guest list, and the Your Mystery Party site. Do not assign those character roles to your players, as you will not have them available, as they were not purchased. The host will assign character roles using the host character lists from the packs that are purchased - never allow your players to choose their roles from the free invite and pre-game site.
This pack was last revised on 7/15/24 and will not be seamless with previous versions.
Best one yet
I have done several of these kinds of parties and this was by far mine, and my guests, favorites. Everything flowed very smooth and everyone loved getting to be creative with their costumes. The price is so reasonable too! Plus it would be an easy one for beginners.