This is expansion pack #1 of the Bloodwood Masquerade Ball and includes 6 additional characters (suspect roles), which may all be expanded into optional teams of up to 25+ players each (see the breakdown below).
You can use any number of characters from this pack in any combination from the optional players in the main game. Print this product in addition to the Bloodwood Masquerade Murder Mystery Game.
(Expansion pack #1 must be used in conjunction with Expansion pack #2 for optimal conditions.)
Last revised: 05/24/24 - prior versions will not be seamless.
- Free invitation that includes expansion pack #1
- Host character list
- Pre-game site
- Expansion pack #2 (16 more suspect roles, packs should be played in order)
- 18 unique players from the main game(purchased separately).
- 6 unique players from expansion pack #1 (this purchase)
- Up to 25 duplicate Magician's Assistants led by Lou Violet, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 25 duplicate Makeup Artists led by Izzy Maroon, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 25 duplicate Production Assistants led by Cass Chocolate, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 25 duplicate Entourage Members led by Bruno Ivory, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 25 duplicate Mobsters led by Maria Lime, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 25 duplicate John/Jane Doe characters, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 25 duplicate Magician's Assistants led by Lou Violet, Expansion Pack #1.
- 16 unique players from expansion pack #2 (purchased separately).
There are multiple ways to host a large game with this theme. You can use the main game and this expansion pack #1 to cover 24 unique suspect role players and 150+ players as the duplicated, non-suspect team players. You'd sort players #25-150 into the 6 teams with the characters from this pack being their team leaders. These players all get the same type of materials as everyone else, but do not input a unique storyline into the game. You'll receive files for each team with the purchase of this pack that you can download and make a copy of for each player on the team. For more of an explanation of the expandable team roles, go to www.mymysteryparty.com/faqs and scroll down to the 'Optional Player' section. The expandable team Q and As are at the end of this section.
Or, you can add expansion pack one and two (purchased separately) and have 40 unique suspect roles, and add 150+ team players. This game could extend to a max of 280 players by adding up to 40 on each of the 6 teams and purchasing both expansion packs.
- Never allow your guests to choose their characters from the free invite or guest pregame site. The host is to assign the character roles using the host character lists.
- This expansion pack is not seamless with the party pack (boxed) version of the game. If you need more players for your boxed set, go to the party pack add-on option.