Mardi Gras Masquerade expansion pack #2
Mardi Gras Masquerade Murder Mystery Party Game Expansion Pack #2.
Do not purchase this expansion pack #2 without purchasing expansion pack #1. The characters are added to the lists in order of occurrence. Therefore, if you add this pack, you will also have expansion pack #1 players on your list. If, for any reason, you fail to purchase expansion pack #1 - do not assign those characters in your game. Always use the host character lists on files you have purchased to assign your guests.
This expansion pack can be expanded to an additional 30 duplicate team players - as deputies playing as a team with Sheriff Nelson and a tabloid crew with Poppi Parazi - see character list for details. These will be separate, optional files available for download upon purchase.
This is an instant download expansion pack #2 including 9+ additional unique characters for the 'Mardi Gras Masquerade Murder Mystery Party Game, intended to be used only if Expansion Pack #1 is also played in the game.'
Note: this pack was updated on 1/2/18. If you have purchased this within the previous year, you may download the most current version at any time from your account. This pack will not be seamless with the former version of the game, so you'll need to also download the main game if you've purchased the main game license within the last year.
- 9 unique players from the main game (purchased separately)
- 9 unique players from expansion pack #1 (purchased separately)
- 9 unique players from expansion pack #2 (this file)
- Up to 15+ players as deputies with Sheriff Nelson as their leader (comes with expansion pack #2)
- Up to 15+ players as the tabloid crew with Poppi Parazi as their leader (comes with expansion pack #2)
Totals: 27 unique players and 30+ expandable team players for 57+ players in the game!
Click here for the invite and click here for the character list
Note: never allow your guests to choose their characters from the free invite or guest pregame site as there may be characters you haven't purchased - such as in expansion pack #1. You, as the host, are to choose the characters for your guests from the characters that you have purchased.