Echo Spy Academy | Expansion pack #1
This pack includes 8 optional, gender flexible, suspect characters for the non-murder tween game, Echo Spy Academy. This document should be printed in addition to the original mystery party game. All optional characters in the main game and both expansion packs may be used in any number and combination.
This is the downloadable version of the expansion pack #1. This document should be printed in addition to the original mystery game file. This is the downloadable version of the game and not seamless with the boxed set version - they are two separate products.
- Free, printable invitation that includes expansion pack #1 characters for an up to 24 player game.
- Host character list for expansion pack #1 (characters #17-24)
- Pre game player site for the up to 24 player game (includes expansion pack #1 players)
- Expansion pack #2 (purchased separately and adds 8 more suspect players. Purchase expansion pack #1 in addition to #2 - packs should be played in order - don't skip #1.)
Your new link to the Your Mystery Party guest pre-game site that includes these expansion pack #1 players: www.yourmysteryparty.com/echospyacademy