Expansion pack #1 is the downloadable pack including 5 optional suspect player roles for the Crazy Christmas Catastrophe, a fun Christmas murder mystery party game. This document should be printed in addition to the original mystery party game (purchased separately). All optional characters in the main game and both expansion packs (all purchased separately) may be used in any number and combination.
Note: it is optimal and highly suggested to include expansion pack #1 before adding expansion pack #2, but it is not mandatory. This pack (expansion pack #1) contains a replacement card for the main game player that has 'read first' on their round three card. The replacement card will no longer tell this player to read first. If you skip this pack and purchase expansion pack #2, you won't have access to this card, so you will need to intervene and tell this player not to read first in round three.
This is the downloadable version of the expansion pack #1. This is the downloadable version of the game and not seamless with the boxed set version - they are two separate products. This product was last revised on 10/23/24 and will not be compatible with previous versions of the game or expansion pack #2 (both purchased separately).
Host character list for expansion pack #1
Free invitation that includes 17 suspects (main game characters are included, but purchased separately)
Free player pre-game site for the 17-player game
Expansion pack #2 - play the packs in order, do not skip expansion pack #1