Commercial Use Agreement for virtual (e.g. video chat platform or other electronic form) hosting: if you have purchased the standard license for a single-use virtual game and would like to use it for commercial use and/or want to purchase the commercial license to reuse the game, you must also purchase this Commercial License. One commercial license covers one game for a year or until the standard license of the game to which this has been applied expires - whichever comes first. You'll need a separate commercial license for each game. Once the virtual-use commercial license expires, the licensee will be responsible to renew. We will not send out notices of upcoming renewals. Mark your calendars when you will need to renew.
You are not allowed to promote the game - online, verbal, print, or otherwise - without an active commercial license. Doing so will void all active licenses with My Mystery Party and make you ineligible for future licenses. We do monitor activity for our game titles and content online, and if you are caught promoting without a commercial license, you will be subject to legal action and unable to host the game commercially. There are no exceptions.
Promoting the game or hosting with an inactive license will jeopardize your ability to be licensed with us in the future. You can host the game an unlimited number of times (as long as the Buyer on record is visually present on the virtual platform as the host and there are no exceptions to this. Each host must be commercially licensed).
The standard license is not a beta test license that has been turned into a store credit - you need to have an active standard license to have a commercial license.
You will need a commercial license if:
- You are promoting the game - on the web accessible by the public, verbal, via print, or other &/or
- You plan to use the game more than one time (public or private) &/or
- Intend to perform the game on a virtual platform of any kind with spectators/participants who have paid an entry fee for the event &/or
- If you intend to use the game for profit (public or private) &/or
- If you intend to host the game for a public murder mystery event online (i.e., for a virtual dinner theater, fundraiser, corporate events, a benefit of a membership, etc.), whether or not you charge for participation or entry, using our game to promote your business in any manner will require a commercial license, &/or
- If you are charging an entry fee to any virtual event (public or private) in which the event includes or is associated with our game in any manner - even if you are not expecting a profit and only expecting to recoup the costs associated with the event.
- If you are purchasing the game and selling the package &/or participation of the game to a client or including the package as part of your services to them (note: you must be the host visually on the virtual platform during the game - the game license will not transfer to your client). This pertains to, but is not limited to, events run by the Buyer on any virtual platform, event planners/consultants planning events for clients, a theater club hosting online, a social event for an organization in which the guests of the event are paying members, etc.
- If you are hosting the event in a face-to-face, in person venue- this is not the license you need. Click here for the in-person (face-to-face) license. If you are hosting the game via both venues (in-person and virtual), you will need a separate license for each.
You will not need a commercial license if:
- You are hosting this as a single-use event in private and not accepting any form of payment for participation &/or
- You are a school, library, or other public agency/corporation who is hosting this as a single-use game at no charge to the players or spectators &/or
*This 501(c) waiver program has ended as of 7/1/23. We will be focusing on local charities from that point forward. We do not have the staff to support the number of commercial events that this program needs.
We do not allow the following:
- Any form of live-streaming or recording of the game in any form while being played, as that is a violation of the standard license of the game.
- A commercial license for a beta-tested version of the game. A beta test version does not count as a standard license, as you were issued a store credit and the license was inactivated - or - you received the beta version at no charge for testing purposes. Therefore, you will need to purchase the standard license of the published game to be eligible to have it commercially licensed.
Additional information regarding commercial licenses:
You are not authorized to alter or sell any game documents in any form (i.e. electronic or prepared) or post any of the game contents (via written, photographed, scanned, filmed, verbal, etc.) online in any form. You are only allowed to send the character packets to your participants (one per participant). You may not transfer the game materials as a whole to another end-user, or provide any private links to videos, videos, post any content online, or transfer any other documents/files associated with the game to the participants. As the host on the virtual platform, you will be the one to share these items during the event.
You are responsible for your participants, so be sure to instruct them not to post spoilers &/or any of the game materials online.
The Buyer/licensee on record must be present on the virtual platform visually as a host at all times when the game is being hosted. If you breach the agreement, you will void the license and you may be subject to legal action, as that is a violation of the license and copyright law. This license gives you the right to host the published My Mystery Party mystery game at your online event, as long as you (the Buyer on record/User/Licensee) are present on the virtual platform to host the event, and abide by the agreement. The game is not to be transferred in any manner to another end user.
You are not allowed to use the game(s) or any portion of our game materials or promotional materials for paid advertisements. Doing so will void the license.
In all promotional materials (including online content and printed), you are to include a statement that (the game title) is a MyMysteryParty.com mystery party game with a live link to www.mymysteryparty.com (printed materials must include the statement with web address). Failure to do so will void the license without notice. Removing or intentionally hiding the MyMysteryParty.com copyright information or logo is forbidden, and will void this license without notice. Any attempt at hiding the fact you are hosting our game will void the license. The statement must be located within one line below the last informational text on the promotion. You may not skip multiple lines &/or include a graphic in between the last informational line on your promotion. You must use the same font size as the rest of the promotion. Therefore, using/posting our materials online, failing to mention it is our game, and removing any evidence of copyright will void this license. We will contact you via email at the email address on file for the User/Buyer to notify you of the breach and voided license.
Upon purchase, simply print out your order confirmation for your records, and the PDF file of the license for your records that you will receive upon purchase. Only the license dated 05/2/23 will be valid for this purchase. No former versions of the commercial license will apply.
Important: if you have made the purchase of the game license separately, in the comments section of the order form, you must put the order number and name of the game in which you purchased the license for. Without this information, the license is not active. You will need a license for each game that you wish to use as described above. If you intend on hosting face-to-face and virtual, you'll need a separate license for each venue.
If you purchase a license, and do not provide a previous order number, and have multiple instant download orders - this license will be activated and applied to the most recent purchase of an instant download game after 24 hours. In the case of multiple standard licenses being purchased simultaneously, the commercial license will be applied to the first one on the order. After 24 hours, this may not be altered, as the commercial license may not be transferred. Using a game without a license for profit may result in legal action.
This license is not transferable and there are no exceptions. There are no refunds on commercial licenses, so be sure you are purchasing a license that you will use.
If you need to use our graphics for the promotion of your event in any form (i.e. paper print, web, video, etc.), you are to include a reference that all art is the property of and was provided by MyMysteryParty.com. If this reference is on the web, there must be an active link to our site. Any violation of these terms (i.e. we find that you are selling our products to an end user, etc.) will nullify this commercial license, and we will pursue immediate legal action against you.
This virtual venue hosting license expires after a one-year period. You hereby agree to download the most current version of the commercially licensed game as they arise. The game site will have a notice when an update is made to the game. You will not be allowed to use former versions of the game for your events.
On occasion, we retire our games. If you have a commercial license for a game that is no longer offered on our site, you still have the ability to host the game during the one-year period per this commercial license. Albeit, we will no longer be updating nor supporting the game with updates, pre-game site, or other game materials.
License agreements were last updated: 07/01/2023
Please note: commercial licenses prior to 05/25/20 did not allow for the transfer of any game materials to your participants. This game license was last revised on 5/2/23