Do not purchase this expansion pack without purchasing the main game - this is not a stand alone kit. Purchase this file if you are needing to add 8 more players (3 either gender, 4F, 1M) to the Anonville Manor game.
The expansion packs must be played in order of occurrence, as the characters are added to the character lists in order.
Note: this game was revised on 5/19/17. If you purchased the game prior to this date, you'll need to re-download the main game from your account if you have purchased the game license within the last year.
If you need more characters in addition to this expansion pack, click here to also purchase Expansion Pack #2 - it contains 8 more unique characters, but the packs must be played in order - do not purchase the second expansion pack without at least putting most of the characters from expansion pack #1 in play: click here for Expansion Pack #2 (3 either gender, 2F, 3M)
The new guest pregame site is: http://YourMysteryParty.com/todiefor
Click here for the character list and click here for the invite